جميع الاقسام

تبلغ مساحة المصنع أكثر من 40,000 ألف متر مربع، ويتم الإنتاج والبحث والتطوير باستثمارات ضخمة في معدات التبريد

2024-08-30 11:31:28
تبلغ مساحة المصنع أكثر من 40,000 ألف متر مربع، ويتم الإنتاج والبحث والتطوير باستثمارات ضخمة في معدات التبريد

And in this post, we will learn about a wonderful place where such cool machines are made to keep our food fresh — Refrigeration Factory. This factory by EMTH is a super tall one, longer than 50 football fields. How much space do you think that would be. Hundreds of dollars are spent manufacturing new machines and systems to store our food at low temperatures, so that we can still enjoy the wonderful taste.  


It shall be what occurs in the refrigeration factory. 

In the refrigeration factory, workers are making machines to freeze stuff with kind of like a freezer at your house. The difference this plant is that it’s totally massive and awesome new top-o-the line everything factory. So, they have amazing tech which you might not have seen. This مكثف التبريد technology works to ensure that food items remain at the correct temperature and do not perish. 

Smart Workers Doing Research

Awesome people work in the factory. They are constantly dreaming of new and improved ways to do great things more practically, i. e., with less cost. A lot of their time is spent on researching and experimenting, which I think can be very similar to being in a massive science lab. That there is a place full of wondrous contraptions and industrious people, passionately toiling away on elaborate solutions and imaginative creations. 

توفير الطاقة

The work of the refrigeration factory is crucial to water conservation efforts. This means they wish to drive less energy into their machines. Which is good for our planet because it keeps the environment clean and safe. And saving energy can save us money. The workers work their little butts off to create machines that are power efficient, yet still keep all of the goodies in your cooler crisp and cool. One in particular that is very big and they must put the right pieces together starting all baby steps with things. 

Lots of Different Areas

That fridge warehouse is massive with many areas inside it. There are certain sections in which they plan new machines, acquire these and afterward test whether every one of them works effectively. Each of them comes with specific tools and وحدة التبريد to do everything perfectly. These workers want their machines to live a long life and make sure our food stays chilled so we stay healthy. 

Thinking About the Future

The scale of refrigeration factory good foresight is that they are always thinking about the future. They also want to ensure that the machines they make are eco-friendly and will last long. They are doing as much with the waste that comes in using materials that can be recycled, so they are not wasting anything. And now they keep inventing things to make better their welders and power systems, so we can all have a healthier future. 

So finally we can simply say that the refrigeration factory is one of the most imperative places which really help your food to remain fresh and clean. It is advanced, EMTH مكثف نظام التبريد technology filled work with hardiness and an over-all betterment aura. The people who repair your machine care a lot about the Earth, and want to keep fixing their machines for years. Quite impressive, considering that this all goes on in a single location larger than 50 football fields. We all really should appreciate the work these ladies do for us in enabling to be able to fulfil our enjoyment?